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General Wellness

REPAVING Old Thought Patterns

on Sep 24, 2018 in General Wellness, Inspiration, Mindfulness

We all have road “maps” of thought that our brains are tied to. These pathways have been formed from past events and experiences, and have been paved into place through repetition. Often times these old ways of thought can get in the way of progressing to better ways of thinking that propel us moving forward. The good news is nearly all roads eventually breakdown and have the opportunity to be repaved. Do you have any thought patterns that need repaving? One way to work on this is through a concept called … STOP–CHALLENGE–CHOOSE. Here’s how it works: STOP When you are faced with a challenging situation, rather than immediately reacting through your old pattern of thought and behavior, take a second to pause and take three deep breaths. This opens up the door to steps two and three. CHALLENGE Acknowledge the old pattern of thought or behavior that you were initially about to act on and challenge it with an alternative solution. CHOOSE Make a conscientious effort to pursue this new...

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on Sep 7, 2018 in Fitness, General Wellness, Nutrition

EAT THE WHOLE EGG IF YOU WANT BETTER RECOVERY FROM WORKOUTS AND MUSCLE REPAIR! A study from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign found that people who ate whole eggs after a workout recovered better than those who skipped the yolks and only ate egg whites. There was a dramatic difference between the two groups in how their muscles recovered from workouts. Those who ate the whole eggs had a 40% greater muscle building response compared to those who ate the same amount of egg-white protein but didn’t eat the yolk. Egg yolks contain proteins and other key nutrients that are not present in egg whites. The mechanism of what and how egg yolks boost our body’s ability to regenerate and repair muscle is not yet known. If you do decide to eat eggs, keep them to a minimum and make sure your plate is 3/4 full of plant-based foods. Purchase organic and free range when...

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Yoga for Expecting and New Moms

on Sep 3, 2018 in Fitness, General Wellness

Motherhood Stretches You in So Many Ways. Why Not Stretch a Little More? Relax and rejuvenate while strengthening and toning your muscles. Pre & Postnatal yoga classes gently guide you through breathing and yoga poses that improve strength and flexibility. Enjoy the company of other Mom’s while you experience the benefits of yoga: Reduce stress and anxiety Improve sleep and deal with the lack of sleep better! Pain relief in your back or from carpal tunnel Reduce water retention and swelling Improve strength needed for birthing and recovery after birth Help with maintain a healthy weight. THURSDAYS 4:45 to 5:45 PM Eight classes: $100 Gift certificates...

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on Aug 28, 2018 in General Wellness, Nutrition

Someone says, “Protein” and everyone is looking for the meat, cheese, chicken, dairy or fish. But animal sources of protein are not the only sources. In fact, adults and children can easily get adequate protein from plant-based foods. Nuts, beans and grains are loaded with protein and even small amounts are found in vegetables. Animal proteins are often called “high-quality” because they contain the right amount of all the essential amino acids needed to synthesize protein in our bodies. Amino acids are the building blocks that proteins are made of. There are 26 different amino acids that are put together in different combinations in our body to make things like muscle, ligaments, connective tissue, cartilage, bones, nerve tissue, etc. A few plant sources have all the essential amino acids in them: Foods like soy, quinoa, buckwheat, chia and hemp seed, mycoprotein (marketed as “quorn”) and spirulina. People who eat these do not need to eat animal sources to get their protein. But eating a vegan diet full of foods that may not have all 9 essential amino acids, i.e. beans, nuts, seeds, rice, wheat, etc., still provides enough protein. The essential amino acids that one food is low in, is complimented by another that is high. You find these natural compliments in foods in traditional cultural combinations. The amino acids in beans are complimented by those in wheat, corn, and rice. So a bean burrito or corn bread and chili are perfect combinations. Why does it matter? Well… while meats provide quality protein, there is often a lot of fat in them as well making them a high calorie choice and they provide little to no added nutrient value. Plant-based proteins are more filling on less calories. The starch and fiber in plant-based foods are satiating, help aid gut health, and lower cholesterol levels. Plus you are getting several of the essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients from the plants that you wouldn’t get from eating animal proteins. Additionally, any animal protein source is higher up the food chain and by nature has a higher amount of toxins, pollutants, and pesticide residues. Eating a plant-based diet helps you avoid exposure to these...

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Wellness and Weight Loss in your Morning Tea

on May 7, 2018 in Cancer prevention, General Wellness, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

The healing properties of green tea have long been documented and it’s possible weight loss benefits as well. The phytonutrient found in green tea called catechin is thought to be the main nutrient responsible for the benefits of green tea. A recently published study in the Nutrition Research Journal reviewed data from 6 human trials comparing the effects of catechin (antioxidant) containing beverages (Like green tea) with a placebo beverage to see if catechin beverages could lower the risk of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a medical condition characterized by a cluster of symptoms that include obesity around the mid-section, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood sugars, and fatty liver. Metabolic syndrome increases risk for certain cancers, and heart disease. The review  found that consuming green tea beverages for 12 weeks significantly reduced abdominal fat, body weight, BMI, and waist circumference; and improved blood pressure. Furthermore, researchers found an improvement in the metabolic syndrome group, suggesting green tea catechins as a potential to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular...

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MINDFulness for Every Day Living

MINDFulness for Every Day Living

on Feb 26, 2018 in General Wellness, Mindfulness, Relaxation, Stress Management

Next session begins…  March 15th, 2018 Thursdays, 6 to 8 p.m. Mindfulness is a way to use your mind and body to do what no one else can do for you ─  take charge of your health and feel more in control of your life.  Through instruction and practice you will learn skills that can increase your ability to be less reactive, to focus and concentrate with greater ease, to improve your ability to cope more effectively with stressful situations and pain, and to enhance your ability to feel more connected to life and those you care about.  Other benefits reported have included greater energy, improved self-esteem, and feelings of well-being. Eight, two-hour sessions. $280  Held at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center, 7035 Convoy Court, San Diego 92111 Call to enroll or for more information,...

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