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Workout Smarter (and Shorter), Not Longer!

Workout Smarter (and Shorter), Not Longer!

on Jul 11, 2016 in Fitness, General Wellness

 You may feel that the being fit means spending a lot of time in the gym. But Studies show that working out for very small intervals of time at very hard levels can produce the same fitness benefits as working out longer at lower intensities. When comparing… One group who exercised little or not at all One group that exercised 45-minutes, at a moderate pace on a stationary bike, And a third group that did High Intensity Interval Training: two-minute warm-up, then repeated 3 intervals of cycling all-out for 20 seconds followed by gentle pedaling for two minutes. (total workout of 10 minutes and only one minute strenuous exertion) The exercise groups completed three workout sessions per week for 12 weeks. As reported by The New York Times: “By the end of the study … the endurance group had ridden for 27 hours, while the interval group had ridden for six hours, with only 36 minutes of that time being strenuous. But when the scientists retested the men’s aerobic fitness, muscles and blood-sugar control now, they found that the exercisers showed virtually identical gains … In both groups, endurance had increased by nearly 20 percent, insulin resistance likewise had improved significantly, and there were significant increases in the number and function of certain microscopic structures in the men’s muscles that are related to energy production and oxygen...

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Exercise is to the Body, What Reading is to the Mind

Exercise is to the Body, What Reading is to the Mind

on May 16, 2016 in Fitness, General Wellness

If  all you ever read was the same book over and over again you wouldn’t be learning much new and you probably get bored and stop reading all together. But that is exactly the mistake most people do with their exercise routines…they keep doing the same things over and over again. Just as reading a broad range of information broadens your perspective on life, introducing new and different types of exercise will yield a more fit, stronger, and more flexible body. Next time you take a walk or hit the stair master at the gym consider trying this…. vary the intensity of your workout in intervals of 1:1 to 1:4. In other words, alternate doing the exercise at your maximum level for a set time, i.e. running as fast as you possibly can for one minute, followed by 4 minutes of doing the exercise at your regular pace. As your fitness level advances you can shorten the interval training sessions to 1:1, where you are doing high intensity exercise for longer and the lower intensity exercise for shorter times. This type of exercise has been shown to maximize your fitness benefits, especially if you don’t have time to exercise for longer sessions in a day.      ...

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Live Well…Always! Tools That Can Help

Live Well…Always! Tools That Can Help

on Feb 22, 2016 in Fitness, General Wellness

    Personal Training If you want to see real results from your work out, then train with a personal trainer. Strengthen muscles to prevent or ease a physical injury, or work out to look great. These trainers help educate and motivate you through your transformation. 30-minute session: $55 Muscle Toning Classes Build a stronger, healthier body using light weights, bands, and fitness balls to strengthen, tone, and firm muscles. Meets twice a week. Eight, one-hour sessions:$55, Mondays and Wednesdays – 5:15 to 6:15 pm. Yoga and Simple Yoga Classes Combine stretching exercises with deep breathing and meditation. Experience increased energy, relaxation, flexibility, and strength. In Simple Yoga, use modified yoga poses that accommodate beginners and those with physical limitations. Meets once a week at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center. Eight, one-hour sessions:$72 Simple Yoga ─ Mondays or Wednesdays – 2 to 3 pm. Yoga ─ Mondays or Wednesdays – 6:30 to 7:30 pm....

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Preventing Falls—It’s a Balancing Act!

Preventing Falls—It’s a Balancing Act!

on Feb 15, 2016 in Fitness, General Wellness, Wellness Seminar

Afraid of falling? There are things you can do that greatly minimizes your risk. Attend this seminar, free to Kaiser Permanente members, that will help you become aware of the common causes and and major risks for falling. You’ll learn how to prepare yourself, your home, and your surroundings to avoid or prevent falls. Learn strategies of improving strength, balance and flexibility and how this can make a difference. Several Preventing Falls classes are scheduled for March. San Diego Mission Road (off Mission Gorge, near the hospital at Zion)  March 1 at 1:30 to 3:30 pm San Marcos Medical Office: March 11th at 1:30 to 3:30 pm Otay Mesa Medical Office: March 24th at 1:30 to 3:30 pm Call Kaiser Permanente’s Health Education Department to schedule:...

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Keeping It Off

Keeping It Off

on Jan 25, 2016 in Fitness, General Wellness, Nutrition, Weight Loss

Winning Strategies for Long-term Weight Loss Maintenance Weight loss is hard , but the true challenge is maintaining a weight loss. Some studies estimate that as many as two-thirds of people who lose weight gain a majority of it back within three years. If you have ever struggled with your weight you may have already experienced this. As depressing as these statistics are, remember that there are people out there who are defying the odds, long-term weight maintenance is achievable. In the Positive Choice Integrative Weight Management Programs we have been able to better the odds for most people. Three years after losing weight, 50% of our participants are maintaining all or most of their weight loss, another 25% are maintaining two-thirds or more of their weight loss. We work to improve our programs every year, employing the strategies that have been proven successful. Our goal is to provide the support and tools to help people lose weight and help them build a lifestyle that will give them every chance for long-term success. Although more research needs to be done to fully understand the challenges to weight maintenance there are a few things that have been clearly documented. The health of your intestinal tract is important. Certain bacteria in our intestinal tract produce hormones that can effect appetite and metabolism. Up to two years post-weight loss, fluctuating levels of grehlin/leptin hormone levels can create increased feelings of hunger. People who have lost weight are hungrier for at least two years. Most people spend money on losing the weight, but direct very little resources towards to their maintenance efforts. When seeking to lose weight, it is extremely important that you participate in support that can help you for at least two years of your post-weight loss. One of the biggest mistakes people make in our Weight Management Programs is not taking advantage of our long-term weight maintenance programs.  During a weight loss phase and also following in the maintenance phase your routine should include foods that help promote healthy gut bacteria and perhaps probiotics to help adjust your intestinal tract bacteria. Maintaining a weight loss eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and legumes should help promote the growth of...

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