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Your Path to Good Health is Paved with Good Intestines!

Your Path to Good Health is Paved with Good Intestines!

on Jan 23, 2018 in General Wellness, Nutrition, Weight Loss

GO WITH YOUR GUT By Vicki Pepper MS, RD Go With Your Gut 2018 Article with References The need for a healthy gut and its impact on overall health is not a new concept. “All disease begins in the gut,” was penned over 2500 years ago by Hippocrates.  But unfolding research is redirecting our attention to just how important gut health is and how many aspects of your overall health it impacts. Your digestive tract forms in the earliest stages of human development, when rapidly dividing cells of an embryo multiply around an empty space that eventually becomes a long tube surrounded by cells. This tube develops into your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Almost every major organ connects to, or communicates with, your digestion tract ─ liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, even your brain. It is the highway through which everything you put in your mouth travels, where vital nutrition is absorbed, toxins are eliminated, and it is also home to a several trillion bacteria friends. So small they can’t be seen by the human eye, bacteria catch a ride on the food you eat or drink and put down stakes in your GI tract and stay. Our germ-o-phobic culture may have led you to believe that bacteria are harmful, and while there are types of bacteria that can cause sickness, there are many, many strains of bacteria that play a beneficial, even vital role in your overall health. In fact, having healthy bacteria in your gut is so vital, nature is designed to inoculate us from birth. In pregnancy woman produce hormones that cause the birth canal to become heavily populated with bacteria so newborns receive a healthy dose of good bacteria during birth.1 Infants born by C-section, fail to receive this inoculation, and consequently, as adults they have higher risks of suffering from asthma, autoimmune disorders, heart disease, and diabetes compared to those born naturally.  You can’t change the way you were born, but there are lifestyle factors that you do have control over that can either harm or heal your gut health. Let’s look at some of these strategies. The most important strategy keeping your gut healthy is to feed the beneficial bacteria...

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Solutions — Food Addiction Recovery

Solutions — Food Addiction Recovery

on Jan 15, 2018 in General Wellness, Weight Loss

SOLUTIONS: Food Addiction Recovery Wednesdays at 4:30 to 6:30 pm 12-week program covering all topics regarding food addiction and compulsive overeating. Understanding the addiction process Brain chemistry, Dopamine and Serotonin Relapse management planning and wellness plans Moderation vs. addiction Emotional intelligence, needs, and values Cognitive Distortions Comfort Zones and Deciding to Change Self-Esteem Defense Mechanisms And much more! Questions about the class, call at Heather Glover, MA, LMFT at...

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Healthy Plate = Healthy Weight

Healthy Plate = Healthy Weight

on Sep 26, 2017 in General Wellness, Weight Loss

HEALTHY BALANCE Weight Loss Program In this program you lose weight on a high fiber, nutrient dense food plan designed to curb hunger and cravings. Typical weight loss is one to two pounds a week.  The Full Food Healthy Balance Program is a 16-session program. The weekly (1½ hr.) group meetings include mindful eating exercises, stress management, behavior modification, and strength/flexibility training. Programs are available at the following Kaiser Permanente medical office buildings: San Marcos, Oceanside, Clairemont Mesa, Otay Mesa and La Mesa medical office buildings. 16-session program: $160 plus one-time $50 program material fee. See our calendar section for new group start...

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Weight Loss Options

on Jan 30, 2017 in Weight Loss

Need Help Losing? You’re welcome any time at one of our Weight Program Information Sessions.  At these information sessions  we provide information regarding the many weight loss support options available at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center. These services are available to everyone, you do not need to be a Kaiser Permanente member. There is no-fee and no obligation to join, just an opportunity for you to ask questions and learn about what is available. The Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center at 7035 Convoy Court, San Diego CA 92111, Room...

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Healthy Balance Program now in Oceanside …Spanish too!

Healthy Balance Program now in Oceanside …Spanish too!

on Nov 28, 2016 in Fitness, Weight Loss

Full Food Healthy Balance Weight management Program Now in Oceanside New program begins January 5th at 7:00 pm and the Spanish program January 5th at at 5:00 pm This reasonably priced program helps you lose weight on a high fiber, nutrient dense food plan designed to curb hunger and cravings. Typical weight loss is one to two pounds a week. Each session includes exercise, mindfulness training and meditation as well as fitness/nutrition education.  It is a 14-session program that meets weekly . New programs begin in January at the Kaiser Permanente in Oceanside.  Spanish programs are available as well. Additional locations are available see our website for dates, times, locations. 14-session program: $140 plus one-time $50 program material fee. Call to enroll,...

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