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Take a Stand, Straighten-up Your Day

Take a Stand, Straighten-up Your Day

on Jan 12, 2016 in Fitness, Wellness Blog

Exercises to Fix Your Posture These days most of us spend too much time hunched over computers and looking down at handheld devices. The results …rounded shoulders, tight chest muscles, and rounded backs. Try these exercises to straighten up and fly right! Prone Breast Stroke Start in a face down/prone position on a mat, elbows bent, and your forehead resting on hands. Stabilize your core by drawing your belly button toward your spine. Extend your spine and lift your chest off the mat while reaching your arms forward. Maintain a neutral neck position, keeping your ears between your biceps, and your shoulder blades retracted and away from your ears. Breast stroke by circling your arms to your hips while lifting your chest slightly higher; return to the start position. Perform 2–3 sets or 8–12 repetitions. Wall Sit with Snow Angel Arms Sit cross legged with your back up against a wall. Pull up from pelvic floor, lifting your ribs away from hips to grow taller; lift your chest and roll your shoulders back and down. Aim to have three points of the spine in contact with the wall (head, shoulders, and tail bone). Reach your arms out overhead, with your palms touching. Draw your elbows back to touch the wall. Close your eyes and allow your breath to be your guide. Perform snow-angel arms 4-8...

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Elliptical or Walking Which is Better?

Elliptical or Walking Which is Better?

on Dec 20, 2015 in Fitness, Weight Loss

How does walking compare to working out on an elliptical machine? You burn more calories  on an elliptical machine. An average (160 lb. person) someone exercising for an hour on an elliptical machine burns 365 calories compared to 314 calories burned while walking.   An elliptical machine puts far less stress on the hips and knees joints.  While walking, you generate forces equal to 110% of your body weight with each step, but only 75% of body weight forces are exerted while on the elliptical machine.  This slighter jarring is an advantage for people with joint injury or limitations, but less so for those who hope that exercise will improve bone health according to a study published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine. Walking is better for those with back injuries. Elliptical training places a greater strain on the lower back than walking because of how the muscles fire, a legitimate concern for people with back problems.   Walking is better for balance and preventing falls. Elliptical training results in greater activation of the buttocks; however, walking provides a much better workout for hamstrings, calves, and muscles around the ankles.  These muscles are especially important for balance and preventing falls as people age. So what’s right for you?  Do what feels good to your joints and is enjoyable so that you can sustain your cardiovascular training for 20 minutes at least three times per...

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Live Strong, Live Long.

Live Strong, Live Long.

on Dec 15, 2015 in Fitness, General Wellness

Use it or lose it!   Starting as early as our thirties our bodies can begin to lose muscle mass. By middle age we may only notice it when we struggle to maintain our weight. As we advance into our senior years and continue to lose muscle mass, we find it harder to get up out of a chair, navigate stairs, stand for long periods of time, and may struggle with over all balance. The greatest indicator of how long we will be able to live independently is how much of our muscle mass we have been able to maintain. It is our muscle that keeps us in balance and enables us to avoid falls. But that isn’t the only benefit muscle mass gives us. Research tells us that maintaining strong muscles also contributes greatly to strong bones, and can prevent diseases like certain cancers, diabetes  and heart disease. The best way to get started is to work with a personal trainer or go to a muscle strengthening class. We have both at the Positive Choice Wellness Center, but there are many options available in the community as well. If you are a senior, try connecting with your local senior center, or if you are a member of AARP you can qualify for a free membership to Curves. At the Positive Choice Wellness Center we offer Muscle Toning Classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. The fee for eight classes is $55.  Personal training is scheduled at your convenience and the fee is $55 per session. If you just have questions to about your current routine, you can visit one of our free Nutrition/Fitness sessions and an exercise physiologist can help you. Visit our website and learn how you can connect with a health educator live over the internet in one of our virtual/nutrition/fitness forums. ...

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Don’t Get Pushed Over, Push Up Instead

Don’t Get Pushed Over, Push Up Instead

on Dec 7, 2015 in Fitness

A push-up is a full body movement that you can do anywhere and with no equipment. If you do them correctly they engage multiple muscle groups at once including your biceps, triceps, back, chest, shoulders, and abs. Where to Start: Start against the wall. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width and about chest height. Walk your feet away from the wall until you feel yourself holding up some of your weight on your hands. Lower your chest toward the wall, the entire body should move in a straight line, with the back straight and elbows at approximately a 45◦ angle. Engage the back muscles and push away from the wall. Developing a strong core in this position will benefit you later as you progress. Progression: Once you’re able to complete 15 in a row then it’s time to make it more challenging! Now you’re going to pick a lower surface such as a kitchen countertop or your desk. As you get stronger, pick lower and lower surfaces until you are on the...

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Your Body Won’t Go Where Your Mind Doesn’t Push It!

Your Body Won’t Go Where Your Mind Doesn’t Push It!

on Nov 15, 2015 in Fitness, Inspiration, Weight Loss

Now is the time to start improving your exercise routine. Start out slowly with 5-10 minutes of activity at a time and build up to at least 30 minutes of moderately intense activity to get the most benefit. Try to build up to at least  2 1/2 hours of moderate activity a week. Being active at least three days a week is best. When you’re ready to go further, first build up the length of activity, and then the intensity. Avoid injury, wear proper shoes, dress appropriately for the weather and drink plenty of water when doing activity that makes you sweat. Make exercise and movement a regular part of your day by making it a priority. Enlist a friend to keep you going, make it fun. Join a walking/jogging training group or exercise class at your local community center or park.  Vary your activities to keep it interesting and reduce risk of injury. Plan on activities you can do in different weather conditions or during the dark winter...

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Connect on-line, live with one of our nutrition/fitness experts.

Connect on-line, live with one of our nutrition/fitness experts.

on Nov 10, 2015 in Fitness, Inspiration, Nutrition, Weight Loss

You can visit on-line with one of our experts on Thursdays, 12:30 to 1:00 pm and have your fitness, nutrition, or weight loss questions answered. Using any technology that gives you access to the internet and has audio/keyboard capability you can connect live with one of our health educators. The meetings are anonymous, no one will hear or see you. Submit your questions using your key board and then listen with the rest of the group, while the educator answers your questions. Virtual Nutrition/Fitness Forums are offered on Thursdays, 12:30 to 1:00 pm. except for holidays. To participate just click the Connect Me Now link below and follow the instructions.You will only be able to connect on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:00 pm. The link is not active at other...

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