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FREE SEMINAR –Introduction to Integrative Medicine

FREE SEMINAR –Introduction to Integrative Medicine

on Jun 10, 2015 in Wellness Blog, Wellness Seminar

This free seminar defines for people what integrative medicine is and describes how alternative medicine therapies like acupuncture, botanicals, therapeutic massage, etc. can be used with traditional medicine practices to improve health and wellbeing. Explanations of available alternative therapies that have research supporting their merit are provided and information on what ailments they are helpful in treating.  Introduction to Integrative Medicine: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.—  July 6th at The Positive Choice Integrative Wellness...

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Maca – What is it and why would you want to eat it?

Maca – What is it and why would you want to eat it?

on May 26, 2015 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

What is Maca and why should I put it in my Smoothie? Check out this great article by Ryan Carmod written for  Maca has been highly regarded for centuries as a miracle food so it’s no surprise it has become a recent addition to the “must have” nutrient list for smoothies. Although it’s part of the broccoli, radish, and watercress family and even looks like a very robust radish, it has an earthy taste with a nutty flavor, making it a perfect complement to smoothies. Like the rest of the roots in the cruciferous family, it’s low in calories – one teaspoon of maca powder has only 10 calories. Native to the Andes Mountains, maca is the superfood of one of the oldest, and once most advanced civilizations on earth – the Incas and Peruvians. Over the centuries maca has been called “magic, the food of the gods, a natural Viagra, and a miracle drug” for a reason. It works. For centuries people have been using it for everything from enhancing their fertility to boosting their immune system or libido, but most people simply love the non-caffeinated burst of energy they get from putting maca in their smoothies. Most people report a subtle, but noticeable, non-jittery type energy boost within minutes to hours from adding just one teaspoon into their smoothie. It’s not because it’s magical, but because of the root’s very real and very scientific makeup and how it affects everything from circulation to the endocrine system. To date there are no known toxic side effects from using maca. As a matter of fact, scientists say that repeated use of maca is like repeatedly exercising – the body not only adapts, but also gets stronger over time each time you use it. While maca does have side effects they aren’t toxic. High doses are considered to have a relaxing effect on the heart, rather than a tension creating effect like caffeine. High doses can also increase fertility in men and women and may disrupt some forms of birth control, although researchers aren’t sure about this. Maca can also cause more frequent menstruation in some women, although women report it’s also helped with the hot flashes and problems women...

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Integrative Medicine Seminars- June 1st

Integrative Medicine Seminars- June 1st

on May 20, 2015 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog, Wellness Seminar

Free Introduction to Integrative Medicine Seminar Integrative medicine is a healing-oriented approach that takes the whole person into account, including all aspects of lifestyle. It combines cutting edge, conventional medicine with evidence-based, alternative approaches. This free seminar gives an overview of integrative medicine and alternative medical therapies. It is a great place for someone to explore how integrative medicine may enhance their traditional medical care. No charge for this 1-hour seminar hosted at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center. Monday June 1st at 5:30 P.M. Botanical and Supplements ─$25 Botanicals (plants, seeds, bark, and roots) contain powerful healing agents that are often equally or more effective than some prescription drugs. In this seminar, Dr. Heidi Meyer, an integrative medicine physician, takes an in-depth look at many common health problems and the herbs, tinctures, botanicals, and supplements that can offer relief without negative side effects. You will learn natural alternative ways to treat common health ailments, as well as how and where to purchase your products. $25. Seminar hosted at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center, Monday, June 1st at 7:00 p.m. Call to reserve your spot. (858)...

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Internationally Recognized Research from the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center

on May 12, 2015 in Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

When we discover a substance is dangerous, we avoid it and our doctors screen for its effects. When we discover a substance is deadly, our lawmakers ban it and we care for those who have been affected. But what are we doing about this dangerous substance? Why don’t we treat this deadly thing the same way we treat lead, arsenic, or radiation? Childhood trauma is deadly. Watch this powerful video that speaks about the research Dr. Vincent Felitti began in the 1990’s as he tried to help people struggling with maintaining weight loss in one of the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center programs. The CDC and Kaiser Permanente developed a 10-point Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) questionnaire to determine respondents’ exposure to childhood trauma. It asked if the respondents had ever experienced: psychological abuse physical abuse sexual abuse substance abuse by a parent domestic violence toward their mother or criminal behavior in the household before age 18. Then they compared the responses with the medical histories of 17,000 Kaiser Permanente patients. 52% of respondents reported that they had experienced one of the types of traumas measured, and 24% of respondents reported that they had experienced more than one. Substance abuse in the household was the most commonly reported trauma. The higher the ACE score, the more likely the patient was to have mental health issues. No surprise there. For every psychological problem they measured, from depression to substance abuse to number of suicide attempts, there was a clear and unmistakable correlation with ACES scores. But people with high ACE scores were also more likely to have physical ailments as well. They found a statistically significant correlation between ACES score and heart disease, cancer, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, hepatitis, and history of broken bones. What does this mean for you, your family, and your health? No need to panic, but you do need to be proactive. Take the survey for yourself. If you know that you or your child has a high ACE score, find out how to lessen the effects of those traumas. You can start by talking to a licensed health care provider. We’re not good at dealing with childhood trauma. But we need to learn. Our lives depend on...

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The Cutest Couple Ever Conquers Their Health Together

The Cutest Couple Ever Conquers Their Health Together

on May 7, 2015 in Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss

Fred and Agnes participated in the Healthy Balance — Full Food Weight Management Program. They have supported each other every step of the way. Together they each lost 30 lb.s and they have both been able to cut their needed medications in half. They rely daily on each other’s support to stick with their mutual exercise routine, in making lifestyle choices, and eating healthy. Here are some of Fred and Agnes’ Healthy Swaps ideas… Switch from pasta to zucchini noodles Eat sweet potatoes in place of white mashed potatoes Eat turkey bacon instead of regular Eat grilled not fried-ed More of Fred and Agnes tips for success… Measure food, watch portions Keep your plate colorful with lots of fruits, greens, and veggies Read labels carefully – know what your eating Aim to walk 10,000-15,000 steps a day and keep track of what you are...

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Weight loss group achieves an all new high!

Weight loss group achieves an all new high!

on May 5, 2015 in Fitness, Patient Testimonials, Wellness Blog

Participants in the Fasting Weight Management group #2854 enjoyed each others company so much, they decided they wanted to have fun together in addition to their weekly weight loss group meetings. By starting a hiking club, they have achieved all sorts of new altitudes! See the ladies and gentleman pictured here on top of Cowles Mountain. Keep climbing to new heights group...

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Guillermo has reason to Celebrate!

Guillermo has reason to Celebrate!

on May 5, 2015 in Inspiration, Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Now 125 pounds lighter, Guillermo no longer needs medication for high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes.  At his last doctor’s appointment his physician told him, “You are no longer a diabetic!” The Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center is honored to have been part of Guillermo’s journey as he lost weight in the Full Fasting Weight Management program. We look forward to supporting him in his continued success and new found health. Congratulations...

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Gretel says good-bye to diabetes and hello to a new life!

Gretel says good-bye to diabetes and hello to a new life!

on May 5, 2015 in Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Gretel is currently losing weight in one of the Positive Choice Wellness Integrative Wellness Center’s programs. Now half way through her program, she has been able to discontinue her diabetes medication and is now no longer a diabetic! Inspired by her new found health, she decided to start an exercise routine. Pictured here is Gretel completing her first 5K run. She felt great, wasn’t out of breath, and was exhilarated with her sense of achievement. Congratulations Gretel we are proud of...

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Rose says good-bye to her migraines, her old wardrobe, and 70 pounds!

Rose says good-bye to her migraines, her old wardrobe, and 70 pounds!

on May 5, 2015 in Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Inspired by her husband’s success with weight loss in a Positive Choice Weight Management Program, Rose didn’t want to be left behind. Now that she has completed the Full Fasting Weight Management Program at The Positive Choice Integrative wellness Center, Rose is the one who is leaving others in the dust. Rose has run her way through her first 5K and now has plans to do more fun runs. Rose keeps active with walking, biking, hiking, yoga, and going to the gym. The hardest part about losing weight for Rose is, “Feelings and learning to go through them.”  Her advice to others, “DO IT! The program offers an amazing opportunity to make positive changes physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Sometimes sharing and answering questions in the group setting was scary and tough, but the experience is...

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