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Wellness Blog

Number One Food That Makes You Fat!

on Jul 15, 2014 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

According to a study published in the England Journal of Medicine, potato chips were the most “weight inducing food tested”.  The coating of salt, fat, and sugar found on and in the starch of the potato provide the brain with a powerful appetite inducing single, causing you to want more. The starch in potato chips absorbs more quickly than even sugar causing large spikes in blood glucose and insulin, which promotes weight gain.  In sharp contrast to potato chips, eating an unprocessed  baked potato with the skin has been shown to curb appetite.  Lesson… avoid processed foods and re-learn the joys of foods in their natural...

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How to make your skin look like your twenty!

How to make your skin look like your twenty!

on May 12, 2014 in Fitness, Healthy Skin, Nutrition, Wellness Blog

Exercise not only appears to keep skin younger, it may also even reverse skin aging in people who start exercising late in life, according to surprising new research. After about age 40, most of us begin to experience a thickening of our outer layer of skin. This layer of skin gets drier, flakier and denser with age. At the same time, the layer of skin beneath begins to thin and loses elasticity, giving the skin a more translucent and often saggier appearance. These changes are solely the result of the passage of time. Recently, researchers at McMaster University in Ontario began to wonder if this aging was inevitable. Researchers set a group of sedentary volunteers to exercising, after first obtaining skin samples from their buttocks. The volunteers were aged at 65 or older and, at the study’s start, had normal skin for their age. They began a fairly straightforward endurance training program, working out twice a week by jogging or cycling at a moderately strenuous pace, equivalent to at least 65 percent of their maximum aerobic capacity for 30 minutes. This continued for three months. At the end of the study time, the researchers again biopsied the volunteers’ skin and the skin of the study volunteers no longer correlated with their true age, but the outer and inner layers that looked very similar to those of 20- to 40-year-olds. “It was pretty remarkable to see,” said Dr. Tarnopolsky, himself a middle-aged exerciser. Under a microscope, the volunteers’ skin “looked like that of a much younger person, and all that they had done differently was...

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Quitting Tobacco

on Mar 31, 2014 in KP Members, Wellness Blog

One of the best things you can do for your health is to quit using tobacco! When you quit tobacco you… Decrease your risk of heart attack, stroke, lung/throat cancer, diabetes, emphysema, and many other diseases. Live longer, have stronger bones, sleep better, breathe more easily, and have more energy. Have fewer wrinkles, better skin, stronger hair, brighter eyes, whiter teeth, and less dental problems. Save yourself some money or spend it on something fun. Create a clean environment at your home and work place and protect the health of your family, friends, and pets. If you are lucky enough to be a Kaiser Permanente member you have the advantage of support options to help you overcome an addiction to nicotine. Freedom from Tobacco and Nicotine Addiction Program This program begins with a single session seminar that goes over medications and resources to help you quit. Then, when you’re ready, you can participate in the six-session program. The program will help you set a quit date, support you through the process, and give you strategies and techniques to help stay tobacco free. You will have access to medications that reduce cravings, like nicotine gum, lozenges, and patches. You will also be supported in changing your lifestyle habits for long-term success.  Programs are offered at the San Marcos, La Mesa, San Diego Mission Road, and Otay Mesa medical offices. Kaiser Permanente members who want to quit tobacco are encouraged to call Kaiser Permanente Health Education at (619) 641-4194 Don’t have time to travel for a program? Consider Wellness Coaching by phone or an on-line program. Wellness Coaching by Phone Call today and ask to be matched with a coach who will work with you over the phone; supporting you through the process of quitting tobacco and staying nicotine free. Kaiser Permanente Members only: Call 866-862-4295   Quit Tobacco On-line Program If you are a Kaiser Permanente member and you haven’t registered on, go right now and sign-up! Kaiser Permanente’s member website gives you many added privileges: e-mail your doctor, set appointments, order prescriptions, receive lab and test results, and you have access to a multitude of on-line health podcasts, programs, and information. Once you are registered on, click on the Health and Wellness tab...

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The Body Fat You Want To Keep

on Feb 24, 2014 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Get the pdf version of this article Your WEIGHT: It’s About More than Just a Number. If you struggle with excess weight you needn’t feel alone. Seventy percent of Americans struggle right along with you, with thirty-six percent of them carrying more than 35 pounds of extra weight. Unquestionably, obesity has become epidemic in the United States. A fact that is particularly alarming when you consider that extra pounds have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, arthritis, asthma, auto-immune disease, and early death.  But does obesity itself mean you’re unhealthy? While two-thirds of overweight people do develop weight-related health problems, one-third do not, and they don’t appear to be at an increased risk for health problems either. One cannot help but ask; what is different about the one-third of overweight people that keeps them healthy? While time and research will provide more clues, what we do know is the answer has a lot to do with diet and, most importantly, the health of their body fat. Traditionally, fat cells have been viewed as metabolically inactive storage units for extra calories.  But newer research reveals that fat cells are much more complex and actually metabolically very active. While the full scope of the effects of body fat on health are just now beginning to be understood it is apparent that body fat acts like a major organ similar in importance to the heart, kidney, or liver. Fat cells produce hormones that control a host of body functions, particularly appetite, metabolism, and body weight.  What determines a person’s health may have less to do with the number on the scale, and more about how well their body fat functions. Healthy fat cells regulate body weight by secreting several hormones.  One, called adiponectin, is released when calories from food enter the blood stream.  Adiponectin speeds up metabolic rate, helping burn off calories.  Fat cells also release grenalin and leptin which work together to decrease hunger and increase fullness. Fat cell health appears to be dependent on the quality of our diet, and in particular on the type of fats we eat to maintain function. Most likely what determines whether overweight people are healthy or unhealthy is the quality...

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BEANS Help You Live Longer!

BEANS Help You Live Longer!

on Nov 20, 2013 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

The Amazing Truth about Beans! When studies compared the nutrition habits of people from Japan, Greece, Sweden, and Australia looking for foods connected with longevity they found only one food group in common, BEANS! It seems that all types of beans are connected with longevity and it doesn’t even require eating large amounts of beans. Researchers found for every 2 Tbsps. of beans people ate their risk of death decreased by 8%.  When you consider how much money people spend on vitamins and minerals every day – isn’t it amazing that one of the most economical foods, the lowly bean, packs much more punch for your health than any supplement can deliver. In our stampede for easy convenient foods it seems most of us have forgotten about the humble bean. But this is to our great disadvantage, as beans offer some of nature’s finest health benefits. When comparing health protectant properties of foods the most powerful super foods with the highest antioxidant properties are all beans. The number one power-food are black beans followed by lentils (red was the healthiest), and then kidney beans. If that isn’t enough to make you whip up a pot of chili than consider these facts: eating just half a cup of beans a day for two months can result in a 20 point drop in serum cholesterol; beans reduce blood pressure and inflammation; the unique fibers found in beans curb appetite and help with weight loss; beans may be protective against certain cancers; and beans are a great source of protein, zinc, folic acid, and fiber (1 cup = 16 grams.) Most of us forget that coffee is a bean and yes it too has health benefits. Coffee in particular appears to be protective against diabetes, liver cancer, and brain cancer. The best way to purchase beans is dry and then cook them.  The plastic lining used in most canned beans often contains a chemical called BPA which has been linked to cancer, so either cook them from scratch or try Eden canned brands which do not use this chemical.  Trader Joe’s has several quick-cook options. Look for their pre-cooked lentil salads, soups, humus dips, and frozen vegetable/bean dishes. Beans are easy to store and can sit on your shelf waiting to be cooked without...

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