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Weight Loss

The Cutest Couple Ever Conquers Their Health Together

The Cutest Couple Ever Conquers Their Health Together

on May 7, 2015 in Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss

Fred and Agnes participated in the Healthy Balance — Full Food Weight Management Program. They have supported each other every step of the way. Together they each lost 30 lb.s and they have both been able to cut their needed medications in half. They rely daily on each other’s support to stick with their mutual exercise routine, in making lifestyle choices, and eating healthy. Here are some of Fred and Agnes’ Healthy Swaps ideas… Switch from pasta to zucchini noodles Eat sweet potatoes in place of white mashed potatoes Eat turkey bacon instead of regular Eat grilled not fried-ed More of Fred and Agnes tips for success… Measure food, watch portions Keep your plate colorful with lots of fruits, greens, and veggies Read labels carefully – know what your eating Aim to walk 10,000-15,000 steps a day and keep track of what you are...

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Guillermo has reason to Celebrate!

Guillermo has reason to Celebrate!

on May 5, 2015 in Inspiration, Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Now 125 pounds lighter, Guillermo no longer needs medication for high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes.  At his last doctor’s appointment his physician told him, “You are no longer a diabetic!” The Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center is honored to have been part of Guillermo’s journey as he lost weight in the Full Fasting Weight Management program. We look forward to supporting him in his continued success and new found health. Congratulations...

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Gretel says good-bye to diabetes and hello to a new life!

Gretel says good-bye to diabetes and hello to a new life!

on May 5, 2015 in Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Gretel is currently losing weight in one of the Positive Choice Wellness Integrative Wellness Center’s programs. Now half way through her program, she has been able to discontinue her diabetes medication and is now no longer a diabetic! Inspired by her new found health, she decided to start an exercise routine. Pictured here is Gretel completing her first 5K run. She felt great, wasn’t out of breath, and was exhilarated with her sense of achievement. Congratulations Gretel we are proud of...

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Rose says good-bye to her migraines, her old wardrobe, and 70 pounds!

Rose says good-bye to her migraines, her old wardrobe, and 70 pounds!

on May 5, 2015 in Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Inspired by her husband’s success with weight loss in a Positive Choice Weight Management Program, Rose didn’t want to be left behind. Now that she has completed the Full Fasting Weight Management Program at The Positive Choice Integrative wellness Center, Rose is the one who is leaving others in the dust. Rose has run her way through her first 5K and now has plans to do more fun runs. Rose keeps active with walking, biking, hiking, yoga, and going to the gym. The hardest part about losing weight for Rose is, “Feelings and learning to go through them.”  Her advice to others, “DO IT! The program offers an amazing opportunity to make positive changes physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Sometimes sharing and answering questions in the group setting was scary and tough, but the experience is...

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Environmental Toxins Making You Sick, Fat, or Worse

Environmental Toxins Making You Sick, Fat, or Worse

on Apr 29, 2015 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

 article pdf When it comes to your health and your weight, it appears that watching out for environmental toxins is even more important than watching calories.  In 2005, Dr. Blumberg, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, submitted a grant application for money to explore the connection between environmental toxins and the global obesity epidemic. The response from the grant review board was, “How dare you waste our time with such a ridiculous idea!” However, two years later, Dr. Blumberg and his colleague, Dr. Grun, proved them wrong by publishing their work and giving the name obesogens to a variety of environmental toxins connected with causing obesity in rats and mice. Dr. Bloomberg’s first studies looked at a contaminant often found in drinking water and seafood called Tributyltin (TBT). TBT is a fungicide that was commonly used to treat boat hulls, docks, and fishing nets and also used in water cooling systems at paper, textile, and leather mills. When Dr. Bloomberg’s team fed pregnant mice a single dose of TBT, their offspring were born fatter than the control groups and by 10 weeks of age, the baby mice were 15% fatter than the mice from mothers who had not been exposed. Even more troubling, the next two generations of mice were fatter as well, even though their mothers had not been exposed to TBT during gestation.  According to Dr. Bloomberg, “Once it’s in the great-grandchildren — it’s permanent.”  The effect, known as epigenetic, refers to the damage done by toxins to maternal DNA that is then passed from one generation to the next long after the original exposure has passed. Dr. Skinner, a reproductive biologist at Washington State University, documented similar results with the pesticide, DDT.  In Dr. Skinner’s study, female rats exposed prenatally to DDT did not grow up to be obese, but 50% of their great–grandchildren did, even though they had no direct DDT exposure. Although DDT has been banned in the United States since 1972, it can still be detected in the urine of pregnant woman in many parts of the country. One of the most troubling obesogens is BPA or biphenyl A. Hundreds of studies have shown that exposure to low doses of the...

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Make a Healthy Smoothie – A Great Way to Start Your Day!

Make a Healthy Smoothie – A Great Way to Start Your Day!

on Feb 16, 2015 in Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Did you know that the Positive Choice Integrative Center runs a program to keep the sheriffs of San Diego healthy and strong?  The program is called the  Sheriff’s Wellness Academy. The video below shows Weight Management Program Coordinator, Chris Heslin, MS, demonstrating one of the power smoothie breakfasts used by our local law enforcement to stay energized. It works for them, why not let it work for you,...

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