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Integrative Medicine Seminars- June 1st

Integrative Medicine Seminars- June 1st

on May 20, 2015 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog, Wellness Seminar

Free Introduction to Integrative Medicine Seminar Integrative medicine is a healing-oriented approach that takes the whole person into account, including all aspects of lifestyle. It combines cutting edge, conventional medicine with evidence-based, alternative approaches. This free seminar gives an overview of integrative medicine and alternative medical therapies. It is a great place for someone to explore how integrative medicine may enhance their traditional medical care. No charge for this 1-hour seminar hosted at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center. Monday June 1st at 5:30 P.M. Botanical and Supplements ─$25 Botanicals (plants, seeds, bark, and roots) contain powerful healing agents that are often equally or more effective than some prescription drugs. In this seminar, Dr. Heidi Meyer, an integrative medicine physician, takes an in-depth look at many common health problems and the herbs, tinctures, botanicals, and supplements that can offer relief without negative side effects. You will learn natural alternative ways to treat common health ailments, as well as how and where to purchase your products. $25. Seminar hosted at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center, Monday, June 1st at 7:00 p.m. Call to reserve your spot. (858)...

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Environmental Toxins Making You Sick, Fat, or Worse

Environmental Toxins Making You Sick, Fat, or Worse

on Apr 29, 2015 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

 article pdf When it comes to your health and your weight, it appears that watching out for environmental toxins is even more important than watching calories.  In 2005, Dr. Blumberg, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, submitted a grant application for money to explore the connection between environmental toxins and the global obesity epidemic. The response from the grant review board was, “How dare you waste our time with such a ridiculous idea!” However, two years later, Dr. Blumberg and his colleague, Dr. Grun, proved them wrong by publishing their work and giving the name obesogens to a variety of environmental toxins connected with causing obesity in rats and mice. Dr. Bloomberg’s first studies looked at a contaminant often found in drinking water and seafood called Tributyltin (TBT). TBT is a fungicide that was commonly used to treat boat hulls, docks, and fishing nets and also used in water cooling systems at paper, textile, and leather mills. When Dr. Bloomberg’s team fed pregnant mice a single dose of TBT, their offspring were born fatter than the control groups and by 10 weeks of age, the baby mice were 15% fatter than the mice from mothers who had not been exposed. Even more troubling, the next two generations of mice were fatter as well, even though their mothers had not been exposed to TBT during gestation.  According to Dr. Bloomberg, “Once it’s in the great-grandchildren — it’s permanent.”  The effect, known as epigenetic, refers to the damage done by toxins to maternal DNA that is then passed from one generation to the next long after the original exposure has passed. Dr. Skinner, a reproductive biologist at Washington State University, documented similar results with the pesticide, DDT.  In Dr. Skinner’s study, female rats exposed prenatally to DDT did not grow up to be obese, but 50% of their great–grandchildren did, even though they had no direct DDT exposure. Although DDT has been banned in the United States since 1972, it can still be detected in the urine of pregnant woman in many parts of the country. One of the most troubling obesogens is BPA or biphenyl A. Hundreds of studies have shown that exposure to low doses of the...

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Make a Healthy Smoothie – A Great Way to Start Your Day!

Make a Healthy Smoothie – A Great Way to Start Your Day!

on Feb 16, 2015 in Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Did you know that the Positive Choice Integrative Center runs a program to keep the sheriffs of San Diego healthy and strong?  The program is called the  Sheriff’s Wellness Academy. The video below shows Weight Management Program Coordinator, Chris Heslin, MS, demonstrating one of the power smoothie breakfasts used by our local law enforcement to stay energized. It works for them, why not let it work for you,...

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Hidden Poisons in Our Food

Hidden Poisons in Our Food

on Jan 12, 2015 in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

SAY NO TO CANNED FOODS WITH BPA – Biphenyl-A or BPA is a powerful environmental toxin that has been shown to alter endocrine function. It disrupts the hormonal balance in our body which regulates body weight. The altered hormonal balance leads to lowered body metabolism, increased fat cell production, increased appetite, and weight gain. BPA has also been clearly linked to cancer and diabetes. The levels of the chemical – used to protect canned food from corrosion and bacteria –  are surprisingly high in the canned goods found on our kitchen shelves. To reach this conclusion, 50 different cans of food were collected from pantries in 19 states and Ontario and were analyzed at a top food safety lab in San Francisco. BPA was found in 92 percent of the samples according to a 24-page study called No Silver Lining, which was released today by the National Workgroup for Safe Markets. The highest  level of BPA was 1,140 parts per billion – believed  to be the highest ever found in the U.S. It was detected in Del Monte French Style Green Beans from a pantry in Wisconsin, the report said. Other high scorers included Walmart’s Great Value Green Peas from a store in Kentucky, and Healthy Choice Old Fashioned Chicken Noodle Soup from a pantry in Montana, said researchers from the coalition of more than 17 public and environmental health organizations . Hundreds of studies – by both government and academic researchers – have shown that exposure of animals to low doses of BPA has been linked to cancer, abnormal behavior, diabetes and heart disease, infertility, developmental and reproductive harm, obesity, and early puberty, and is a known risk factor for breast cancer. Also, BPA exposure is particularly of concern for pregnant women, for babies, and for children. “It takes as little as one serving of canned foods to expose a person to levels of BPA that have been shown to cause harm in laboratory animals.  This is especially troublesome if the person eating the canned foods is pregnant, because fetuses are especially vulnerable to BPA’s effects,” reports  co-author Bobbi Chase Wilding, organizing director of Clean New York, told AOL News. The researchers warned that in addition to the risk...

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