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General Wellness

Calm App No Fee for KP members During Pandemic

on Oct 8, 2020 in General Wellness, Mindfulness, Relaxation, Sleep

Calm is one of the top apps for meditation and sleep. It helps you build resilience and mental fitness by using: guided meditations, self-care programs taught by world-renowned experts, bedtime stories narrated by celebrity guests, mindful movement videos, and more. You can access Calm for a fee through purchase at app store on your electronic device. KP Members can receive the Calm app at no cost during the pandemic. To get started,...

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True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.

on Sep 16, 2019 in General Wellness, Inspiration, Mindfulness

What humility does, is create a sort of receptacle of acceptance, so we are open to being filled with the knowledge and opinions of others. Humility is a kind of hunger for more abundance. The greater our humility, the greater our fascination with the world around us, and the more we learn.While some people seem to be more naturally humble, the reality is humility is a learned skill and one that can be strengthened. Humility is often confused with meekness or timidity, but they’re not the same. Humility comes from the Latin humilis, meaning grounded. Humble people are confident, self-assured; they take their roles and responsibilities seriously. Humble people have a quiet confidence about themselves. They are comfortable with who they are, and this frees them to recognize and value the strengths in those that surround them. They do not feel threatened by others achievements, instead they experience joy in recognizing others. They make great leaders, they attract people to themselves and lead by inspiring. Strengths of genuinely humble people… Admit mistakes Respectful of all people regardless of position or what they can offer. Focus on others strengths and take joy in recognizing the contributions of other. Be-self aware. Self-reflect, and seek input from others on “how I am doing?” “It takes humility to ask the question and even more humility to consider the answer. Understand personal limitation. Be secure enough to recognize weaknesses and to seek the input and talents of...

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“If You’re Disciplined and work at it, you can do it!”

“If You’re Disciplined and work at it, you can do it!”

on Jun 27, 2019 in Fitness, General Wellness, Inspiration, Patient Testimonials, Weight Loss

Like so many of us, Jim’s weight crept up over the years. His first serious attempt at weight loss was in a Fasting Program at the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center. He lost the excess weight quickly but went back to old habits and re-gained. Feeling frustrated, he decided fasting wasn’t for him, so he joined a Healthy Balance full-food program. It was in this program he started building a practice of eating healthy foods. His counselor Kay started every class with exercise and 10 minutes of meditation; and it was Kay’s introduction to the benefits of meditation that Jim credits with his continued meditation practice. Since his class with Kay, he has logged in over 1349 days straight of meditation on his mobile app called Calm. As long as Jim was participating in a Healthy Balance class he did well, but over time the demands of his work life took over and the long hours made it impossible for him to attend class. A busy teacher, baseball, and football coach meant 12 to 14-hour days and a lot of stress. He let go of his Healthy Balance program and the healthy habits and started to rely on the convenience of processed meals and fast food. His blood sugars crept up as did his cholesterol and blood pressure. One summer, Jim’s work load increased significantly as he was assigned a major project designing a county-wide High School field trip for the National Park Service at Cabrillo National Monument. His thoughts we’re “I’ll get back to eating right, exercising, and stress management when this project is done.” Sadly, just as Jim was completing the project he suffered a major stroke at the age of 61. Jim was forced into retirement before he was ready and the sudden loss of work, being home, and the demands physically of recovering from a stroke left Jim feeling depressed and anxious. His weight crept up, he couldn’t exercise, his health issues worsened. Jim decided to get back into another Healthy Balance program. He had to wait a month to get into a group, but he was so motivated he started on his own practicing the many things he had learned from Kay. In this new...

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