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Sitting Less – The Missing Ingredient to Your Work Out Routine

Sitting Less – The Missing Ingredient to Your Work Out Routine

on Sep 8, 2015 in Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss

How much you sit each days is a more important determinant of your health than working out a few times per week.  Even if you exercise regularly, you may still endanger your health simply by sitting too much. One of the missing ingredients of a good work out routine is the failure to take stock of how much non-movement you do throughout each day. We exercise because we’re trying to replicate what our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have to exercise because they moved all day long, and research shows THIS is absolutely key for health. In fact, studies show that engaging in consistent exercise does not counteract the adverse cardiovascular and metabolic effects of prolonged sitting. So non-exercise movement is now recognized as being the foundation for optimal health — even more so than exercising for an hour a few times a week. Ideally, you’d do them both, but if you’re currently not in a regular exercise routine, the place to start is by sitting less. This is where the fitness tracker can come in handy. Using a tracker like Fitbit we recommend aiming to get at least 7,000 to 10,000 steps each day, and limit sitting to three hours or less. Remember that while a healthy diet accounts for about 80 percent of the benefits you reap from a healthy lifestyle, exercise is the leverage that allows all of those benefits to be maximized. You simply cannot be healthy without regular physical movement — and this includes both non-exercise movement throughout the day, and a more vigorous exercise regimen....

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FREE 5-10 K Training Team – Come Train With Us Now!

FREE 5-10 K Training Team – Come Train With Us Now!

on Jun 23, 2015 in Fitness, Inspiration, KP Members, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

The Positive Choice Integrative Wellness training team is getting ready to train for the 2015 Bolt To The Q — 5K. Come train with us! We will be hosting a nine-week training session to walk or jog in the Kaiser Permanente sponsored Bolt To The Q—5K . This is a really fun walk/run that has you finishing on the the Charger 50-yard line among cheering Charger cheerleaders. A fun health expo follows the race. There is no fee for participating in the training program.  You are welcome to train with us even if you do not participate in theBOLT TO THE Q fun run. Unfortunately, participation in the Bolt To The Q 5K isn’t free, however Kaiser Permanente Employees and Physicians will receive a discounted entry fee by using the code: KPEMPLOYEE15. You must register using a KP email address to receive the discount.  Kaiser Permanente friends and family can us the code: KPFRIENDS15to receive a $5 discount off the cost of registration.  There are no discounts for the Kids Fun Run. You can register for the fun run here: Register for Bolt to the Q If you would like to train with us view the training schedule below to see which Saturdays we do our group training sessions. The training groups meet at De Anza Cove in Mission Bay at 9:00 a.m. BOLT TO THE Q TRAINING...

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Weight loss group achieves an all new high!

Weight loss group achieves an all new high!

on May 5, 2015 in Fitness, Patient Testimonials, Wellness Blog

Participants in the Fasting Weight Management group #2854 enjoyed each others company so much, they decided they wanted to have fun together in addition to their weekly weight loss group meetings. By starting a hiking club, they have achieved all sorts of new altitudes! See the ladies and gentleman pictured here on top of Cowles Mountain. Keep climbing to new heights group...

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Introducing a New Whole Food Weight Management Program

Introducing a New Whole Food Weight Management Program

on Jan 5, 2015 in Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Blog

Healthy Balance – Weight Management and Healthy Living Program Convenient, affordable, and led by experts, the Healthy Balance Program is based on three basic ideas for success: Healthy Eating, Daily Habits, and Physical Activity. Programs are offered weekly. Start whenever you’re ready and stay as long as you want. Program has a $50 one-time materials fee and then the program is $10 a session. Programs typically run in 14-week cycles. Focus is on developing healthy eating habits, healthy lifestyle habits, an active lifestyle, and mindful eating. Programs offered in Clairemont Mesa, La Mesa, Otay Mesa, and San Marcos Kaiser Permanente Medical Office buildings.  Call to enroll: (858)...

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