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If Each of Your Thoughts is a Seed…What Does Your Garden Look Like?

If Each of Your Thoughts is a Seed…What Does Your Garden Look Like?

on Mar 7, 2016 in General Wellness, Inspiration

“In a garden, if you only weed, you’ll be exhausted and lose hope. If you plant enough flowers, eventually there will be less room for all the weeds and you will find your joy.” To be fully well, you must learn to cultivate joy and peace in each breath. Even though you may be grieving and feel pain, you have to learn to cultivate joy and peace at the same time. It’s like a garden: You have to take care of the weeds, but you also have to plant flowers. Sister Dang Nghiem, Deer Park Monastery...

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A Thought-Full Life

A Thought-Full Life

on Feb 1, 2016 in General Wellness, Inspiration, Mindfulness

Article pdf Finding Your Missing Peace Did you know that you have about 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts every day? That’s nearly 50 thoughts per minute, more than one per second. You would think (pun intended) that with all that activity you would have a tremendously productive life, but research indicates that you repeat about 98% of the same thoughts every day. If you are like the average person your inner world and productivity is further hindered by the fact that as much as 80% of your thoughts are critical and negative. Whether your mind is over-crowded with positive or negative thoughts, all that repeated mental activity leaves little room to breathe, feel, and experience life. Too many random thoughts not only crowds out meaningful contact with yourself, it crowds out contact with the important people in your life. The result is you’re left feeling alone, exhausted, out of balance, and longing for an inner peace that seems elusive. Human beings instinctively strive to maintain a peaceful inner world; it is the glue that holds us together mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Unfortunately, if you are like most, you may allow your thoughts to come and go without much awareness (or dare we say without much thought!) When you leave your thoughts unchallenged, you tend to accept your thoughts as truth, unconsciously giving them permission to shape your beliefs about yourself, about others, and your life. What can happen when you unconsciously accept random negative thoughts? Remember that you are connected as a whole in mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Our culture looks for physical causes when you experience pain or sickness; yet we know that physical symptoms do have a connection to your perceptions, emotions, and experiences. When you are emotionally, mentally, or spiritually out of balance, you may experience it as physical distress. When the pendulum of your lifestyle swings too far to one side, it will inevitably swing equally far to the other side. A lack of inner peace and balance will eventually lead to an unbalanced, unhealthy lifestyle. Too much work, too little rest, grief, unmet needs, no play, excessive stress, and not enough meaningful time with loved ones or in activities you enjoy can easily cause...

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