Integrative Medicine Physician Appointments Are Here!
Integrative medicine works with you to create an environment and lifestyle that will not only help in the recovery from disease, but will promote health through your entire lifespan.
Integrative Medicine Physician Consultations
A consultation with an integrative medicine physician is different from a conventional visit with a physician. Integrative medicine evaluates all aspects of your lifestyle as part of diagnosing and prescribing treatment. A consultation would include a review of your medications and medical history, as well as examining your physical habits, emotional patterns, sleep, social life, spiritual life, stress, activity, and diet when diagnosing and prescribing treatment. Treatment plans may combine a wide range of both conventional and complementary therapies (yoga, acupuncture, botanicals, spinal manipulation, supplements, etc.) and address all aspects of your health and wellness ─ physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Initial one-hour Consultations $250; Thirty minute follow-up appt. $125