About Our Medically-Supervised Meal Replacement Program
Lose weight in this nutritionally balanced, medically-supervised meal replacement program, designed to maintain a constant calorie level and curb appetite. We’ll support you week to week to reach your goals.
Program benefits include:
- 75% of people with type 2 diabetes achieve normal fasting blood
glucose off of medications - HbA1c drops an average of 2 points
- Insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance increases
- Liver enzymes normalize
- Fat in the liver and pancreas can decrease
- Blood pressure decreases (⅓ of participants are able to discontinue
medications, ⅓ of participants are able to greatly reduce medication) - Total blood cholesterol drops an average of 81 points and triglycerides drop 55.6%
- After 8 weeks, the average weight loss is 15% from starting weight and 5 years
after weight loss, ⅔ or more people maintain half or more of the weight they lost off.
We currently offer Robard Numetra Products for our meal replacement programs. Click to learn more.