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Contact the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center

MAIN PHONE LINE: 858-616-5600

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (closed from 12-1)

Friday: 8:30 am – 3:45 pm (closed from 12:30-1)

Login Support: 858-616-5270

Healthy Balance: 858-616-5600

Meal Replacement Medical Team: 858-616-5789 

Bariatric Surgery Team: 858-616-5722

If you’d like a member of our team to reach out to you, please provide your information below and we will respond within 3 business days.


  • To contact your program instructors, use or call the main phone line.
  • For time sensitive needs, call our main phone line.
  • Please do not use website contact for employment purposes, instead contact KP Human Resources.

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Do not send personal health information in your message. Instead, use the secure messaging in