Bookshelf online classroom links

Heart Health

Taking Care of Your Heart

Want to lower your cholesterol, but don’t know where to begin? This workshop will help you understand how a heart-healthy diet, exercise, and other lifestyle strategies may help you avoid or discontinue medications for blood cholesterol. You’ll learn how blood cholesterol is connected to heart disease and how you can reduce your risk for disease. Session includes help with label reading, shopping, meal preparation, and more.

Kaiser Permanente members only. No fee. To register, please call 619-641-4194.

Heart Failure: Living Well Each Day

You can live a full and enjoyable life by managing heart failure. Find out how to cope with the condition and feel better by learning about self-management, nutrition, and how to conserve your energy.

Kaiser Permanente members only. No fee. To register, please call 619-641-4194.