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Brandon Makes Big Changes To His Life.

on Sep 9, 2014 in Patient Testimonials, Wellness Blog

“I have never been my ideal goal weight EVER in my adult life. The last time Before Brqandon Fuentesmy weight was normal was when I was in the 7th grade!”

Thanks to the Full Fasting program at Positive Choice I have lost 150 lbs.  My blood pressure is now normal and I have now been able to stop taking blood pressure medication. My starting weight was 325 lbs and I am currently at 175 lbs.  I am looking forward to entering the maintenance program.

Brandon Fuentes Before 2 The Positive Choice Wellness Center and the OPTIFAST Weight Management Program helped me tremendously. I have had a great experience with everyone on staff. I am very thankful and proud that I decided to come in and give Positive Choice a try. It is something that has changed my life for the better!”


Brandon Feuntes After