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Welcome to Maintenance Boosters



Registering for Your Booster Class 

  • Fill out the enrollment form above or call 858-616-5600 to register.  

  • For online classes, you must register a full business day (Mon-Fri) in advance or you will not receive the Zoom link to class. Drop-ins are no longer supported. For day-of registration, please call the number above. 

Logging Into Your Booster Class

Booster Materials: 

2024 Booster Schedule


Monday June 3rd 5-6pm Carissa F. Self-Talk for Positive Change The voice in your head has a huge impact on your wellness – is it cheering you on, or holding you back? In this session, we’ll talk about noticing how we speak to ourselves, and how to shift to more helpful language to propel you toward positive changes.
Tuesday June 4th 6-7pm Carmel A. Circle of Life This workshop takes a deep dive into rating different areas in life to help set specific goals.
Thursday June 6th 4-5pm Ali C. Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program
Monday June 10th 5:30-6:30pm Nicholas S. Label Reading What do all those numbers on the side of the box mean? Come get a refresher on how to read nutrition labels and what to look for to meet your health goals.
Tuesday June 11th 1-2pm Lizzy K. Balance and Bone Health Practice exercises to help improve our balance and learn what we can do to strengthen our bones.
Monday June 17th 5-6pm Carissa F. Self-Talk for Positive Change The voice in your head has a huge impact on your wellness – is it cheering you on, or holding you back? In this session, we’ll talk about noticing how we speak to ourselves, and how to shift to more helpful language to propel you toward positive changes.
Tuesday June 18th 12-1pm Shannon N. Relationship with Food Food can mean a lot of things in our lives. In this workshop we explore our connection to food and ways to build a more positive relationship. This topic can help people break free from a seemingly toxic relationship with food.
Tuesday June 18th 5-6pm Jesus J. Understanding Your Metabolism Learn about the basics the bodies metabolism and what to do to help keep it healthy.
Thursday June 20th 4-5pm Ali C. Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program
Tuesday June 25th 11-12pm Melanie P. Strength Building Exercise: Benefits and Practice Learn about the benefits of resistance exercise (strength training) and get ready to move with a light workout routine!
Wednesday June 26th 9-10am Janet K. Motivation and Diet Cycle Is there a way to break the “on a diet/off a diet” cycle?
Thursday June 27th 9-10am Frankie K. Yin Yoga, Flexibility & Mobility Practice different styles of movement that can help open the body, increase our range of motion and promote relaxation.


Day Date Time Topic Description Instructor
Monday July 1st 5:30-6:30 pm Label Reading Learn the in’s and out’s of label reading and updates to the new nutrition label. Nicholas S.
Tuesday July 2nd 9-10 am Building Your Healthy Lifestyle Action Plan This workshop will offer guidance to put your healthy lifestyle goals into action!  It will also include tips to help you stay motivated in your health journey. Jesus J.
Tuesday July 2nd 6-7 pm CORE Exercise Buffet Practice different styles of movement that help strengthen the body’s core. Carmel A.
Monday July 8th 5-6 pm Self-Care Recharge – July Spend an hour recharging your batteries with guided practices for self-care including gentle stretches, relaxation meditation, and journaling. Carissa F.
Tuesday July 9th 12:30-1:30 pm SELF-Care This class will discuss the importance of self-care, stress resilience and mindfulness practices. Lizzy K.
Thursday July 11th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Tuesday July 16th 12-1 pm Emotional Eating Learn the signs of emotional eating, examine emotional triggers and brainstorm nourishing coping strategies. Shannon N.
Wednesday July 17th 9-10 am Our Relationship with Food and Overeating In this workshop we will explore our relationship with food and times we tend to overeat.  We will also examine and the differences between psychological and physiological hunger. Janet K.
Thursday July 18th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday July 22nd 5-6 pm The Power of Baby Steps Small steps can lead to big changes! In this session, we’ll talk about why baby steps are effective and practice creating doable goals to move you forward. Carissa F.
Thursday July 25th 9-10 am The Power of Your Routines Your routines can either improve or hinder your health, depending on how you go about your day.  How to start your day determines how the rest of the day will go, and how you end your day will affect how you start your next day. Most people are on autopilot with their routines, not even realizing that 70% of what they’re unconsciously doing is affecting the quality of their lives.  This class will teach people how to create bulletproof routines while removing and becoming aware of their old routines that may hurting them. Frankie K.
Thursday July 25th 6-7 pm Effects of Exercise on Blood Sugars and Insulin Sensitivity Whether you are struggling with rising blood sugar levels, or you just want to avoid developing diabetes, learn how exercise can lower blood sugars and increases insulin sensitivity. Melanie Perkins, MS will explain the mechanics of how exercise and movement effects blood sugars and the types of exercise that will increase insulin sensitivity. Melanie P.
Wednesday July 31st 6-7 pm Navigating Social Media Social media can be a great resource for fitness, nutrition, and other health-related information, but also potentially harmful if you aren’t aware of some red flags. We will cover how to pick up on red flags, identify reputable accounts, and boundaries to be aware of to get the most out of social media to better your knowledge on health. Brandon H.


Day Date Time Topic Description Instructor
Thursday August 1st 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday August 5th 5-6 pm Self-Care Recharge – August Spend an hour recharging your batteries with guided practices for self-care including gentle stretches, relaxation meditation, and journaling. Carissa F.
Tuesday August 6th 9-10 am Navigating the Gym Finding the right rhythm with your fitness plan can feel overwhelming and take some time.  This class will help you explore some new movement options and find what’s right for you. Jesus J.
Tuesday August 6th 6-7 pm Introduction to Acupressure Learn the fundamentals of acupressure, a traditional healing modality of Chinese medicine.  This class will discuss acupressure points known for reducing pain and improving health and well-being. Carmel A.
Wednesday August 7th 12-1 pm Emotions and Food This is session 1 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Monday August 12th 5:30-6:30 pm The Mediterranean Diet Delve into the science-backed principles behind this renowned eating pattern, exploring its benefits for heart health, weight management, and overall well-being. Nicholas S.
Tuesday August 13th 12:30-1:30 pm Meal Prep for Clean, Healthy Food Understand how to make balanced meals using food prepping strategies that will help you stay on track for a healthy lifestyle. Lizzy K.
Wednesday August 14th 12-1 pm  Needs: Maslow’s Hierarchy This is session 2 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Thursday August 15th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday August 19th 5-6 pm Practicing Gratitude With gratitude practice, we can pivot our awareness to highlight and appreciate everything that IS going well, even while holding space for life’s challenges. Join us to practice the art of gratitude with simple strategies that can shift your perspective. Carissa F.
Tuesday August 20th 12-1 pm Body Image Learn about the different aspects of body image. This work shop will focus on finding ways to strengthen your body image and help you embrace the body you are in! Shannon N.
Wednesday August 21st 9-10 am Family Messages Explore how some messages affect our eating habits. Janet K.
Wednesday August 21st 12-1 pm Habits This is session 3 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Thursday August 22nd 6-7 pm Prep with Pep: Meal Prep and Recipe Demos Learn helpful hacks to uplevel your healthy meal prepping routine. Melanie P.
Wednesday August 28th 6-7 pm Exercise Programing Do you feel comfortable performing resistance (strength) exercises on your own, but not sure how to program them all together into your own coherent workout? We will cover how to categorize exercises into a simple structure and build a template to follow that fits within your time and needs. By the end, you’ll be able to make a weekly exercise routine that is easily modifiable week by week. Brandon H.
Wednesday August 28th 12-1 pm Values This is session 4 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Thursday August 29th 9-10 am Creating Healthy Habits Discuss the concept of creating healthy habits while removing unwanted habits. Frankie K.


Day Date Time Topic Description Instructor
Tuesday September 3rd 9-10 am Sweat it Out with Jesus Log-on ready to move and feel good!  Jesus will discuss the benefits of consistent exercise and how to work more movement into your days.  This class will include an upbeat workout, Jesus’s specialty! Jesus J.
Tuesday September 3rd 6-7 pm Finding Balance A physical body out of balance becomes vulnerable to weakness and disease. Learn about holistic medicine strategies and information on how to create greater health resiliency. Carmel A.
Wednesday September 4th 12-1 pm  Coping Strategies This is session 5 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Thursday September 5th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday September 9th 5-6 pm Self-Care Recharge – September Spend an hour recharging your batteries with guided practices for self-care including gentle stretches, relaxation meditation, and journaling. Carissa F.
Monday September 9th 5:30-6:30 pm Nutrition for Seniors Explore the unique nutritional needs of older adults, learning evidence-based approaches to support bone health, cognitive function, and immune resilience. Nicholas S.
Tuesday September 10th 12:30-1:30 pm Back to Basics Discuss key habits of successful weight loss maintainers and how to get back on track. Lizzy K.
Tuesday September 17th 12-1 pm Breaking Free from the Compulsive Eating Habit We will learn the habit cycle for compulsive eating behaviors and the mechanisms that make these habits so hard to stop. This understanding can better help individuals break free from these patterns and build more helpful habits. Shannon N.
Wednesday September 18th 9-10 am We Are One, Body and Mind Is our self-Identity and body image related? Janet K.
Thursday September 19th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday September 23rd 5-6 pm Label Reading Refresh What should you be looking for when reading a nutrition label? This session will give you a refresher on the most important things to review when you decide what to eat. Carissa F.
Wednesday September 25th 6-7 pm The Science of Obesity Is obesity as simple as a choice or is more at play? We will discuss the research on the many variables that contribute to obesity, both those that involve direct choices and those that lay under the radar yet strongly impact obesity. By the end, participants will have a more scientific understanding on the forces of play on obesity and be able to take better action. Brandon H.
Thursday September 26th 9-10 am How Your Environment Affects Your Decision Making A plant will only grow as big as the pot it’s in.  Humans are no different. Our environment and the things in it are either helping us grow or have us staying the same. This class will teach people how to create an environment that will help them thrive and improve health whether at home, work, or somewhere else. Frankie K.
Thursday September 26th 6-7 pm Get More Active Learn ways to boost your metabolism and build a consistent exercise routine. Melanie P.


Day Date Time Topic Description Instructor
Tuesday October 1st 9-10 am Strength Training and Aging Loosing muscular strength as we age is not just a muscle issue but a nerve issue as well. Jesus teaches you why strength training is MORE important for mature individuals before leading you through a safe basic exercise split to get you started. *This class has a movement component so please wear comfortable athletic clothes and have at least 1 set of 5lbs weights. Mats and cushions are optional but HELPFUL. Jesus J.
Tuesday October 1st 6-7 pm Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Holistic Care Learn to assess imbalances in you lifestyle and improve your well being. Carmel Agdeppa a licensed acupuncturist, will discuss incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine to aim for disease prevention and achieving optimal health. Carmel A.
Thursday October 3rd 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday October 7th 5-6 pm Self-Care Recharge – October Spend an hour recharging your batteries with guided practices for self-care including gentle stretches, relaxation meditation, and journaling. Carissa F.
Tuesday October 8th 12:30-1:30 pm Strategies for a Healthy Brain Learn lifestyle and nutrition strategies that promote brain health and maintain cognitive function. Lizzy K.
Monday October 14th 5:30-6:30 pm The Blue Zones Explore the lifestyles, dietary habits, and community practices of these exceptional regions where longevity thrives. Gain insights into the secrets of centenarians and learn practical strategies to incorporate Blue Zones principles into your own life for enhanced well-being and longevity. Nicholas S.
Tuesday October 15th 12-1 pm  Relationship with Food Food can mean a lot of things in our lives. In this workshop we explore our connection to food and ways to build a more positive relationship. This topic can help people break free from a seemingly toxic relationship with food. Shannon N.
Thursday October 17th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday October 21st 5-6 pm Mini-Mindfulness for Busy Days The days we need mindfulness the most can be the days it is most challenging to find time for! In this session, we’ll review a toolbox of mini-mindfulness practices you can incorporate into even the busiest days. Carissa F.
Wednesday October 23rd 12-1 pm Emotions and Food This is session 1 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Thursday October 24th 6-7 pm Real Good Food: Holiday Style Grab your apron and spices!  Melanie will guide you through a demonstration for creating tasty and nourishing food. Melanie P.
Wednesday October 30th 12-1 pm  Needs: Maslow’s Hierarchy This is session 2 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Wednesday October 30th 6-7 pm Navigating Social Media Social media can be a great resource for fitness, nutrition, and other health-related information, but also potentially harmful if you aren’t aware of some red flags. We will cover how to pick up on red flags, identify reputable accounts, and boundaries to be aware of to get the most out of social media to better your knowledge on health. Brandon H.
Thursday October 31st 9-10 am Reduce Stress and Anxiety Through Digital Organization A class designed to help organize your priorities and free up mental space.  In this class you will learn how to create a digital filing cabinet for all your thoughts, tasks, and whatever else is important to you to help gain mental clarity and aid in reducing stress and anxiety. Frankie K.


Day Date Time Topic Description Instructor
Monday November 4th 5-6 pm Self-Care Recharge – November Spend an hour recharging your batteries with guided practices for self-care including gentle stretches, relaxation meditation, and journaling. Carissa F.
Tuesday November 5th 9-10 am Up-Level Your Fitness Whether you’re just starting out on your fitness journey, or you are a seasoned exerciser, this class will help you up-level your routine and motivation! Jesus J.
Tuesday November 5th 6-7pm Exercise Buffet Learn about and practice different styles of movement including: Barre, Yoga and Tai Chi Carmel A.
Wednesday November 6th 12-1 pm Habits This is session 3 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Thursday November 7th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday November 11th 5:30-6:30 pm Organic vs. Conventional Foods In our informational class, delve into the debate surrounding the nutritional value of organic versus conventional foods. Uncover the latest research findings and explore factors such as pesticide exposure, nutrient content, and environmental impact to make informed decisions about your food choices. Nicholas S.
Tuesday November 12th 12:30-1:30 pm Balance and Bone Health Practice exercises to help improve our balance and learn what we can do to strengthen our bones. Lizzy K.
Wednesday November 13th 12-1- pm Values This is session 4 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Monday November 18th 5-6 pm Cultivating Compassion for Self & Others The holiday season can bring up lots of stress and frustrations! Join us for this session to practice extending compassion to yourself and others in this busy time. Carissa F.
Tuesday November 19th 12-1 pm Success During the Holidays Learn how to get through the holidays with your health goals in mind. Find ways to prioritize all the things you love so that food can become a small part of this joyous time of year. Shannon N.
Wednesday November 20th 9-10 am Mindfulness and Boundaries Is there a relationship between being mindful and setting healthy boundaries? Janet K.
Wednesday November 20th 12-1 pm  Coping Strategies This is session 5 in a series of classes on Behavioral Lifestyle Skills (Needs, Emotions, Habits, Coping Skills, Values) Brittany R.
Wednesday November 20th 6-7 pm Exercise Programing Do you feel comfortable performing resistance (strength) exercises on your own, but not sure how to program them all together into your own coherent workout? We will cover how to categorize exercises into a simple structure and build a template to follow that fits within your time and needs. By the end, you’ll be able to make a weekly exercise routine that is easily modifiable week by week. Brandon H.
Thursday November 21st 9-10 am Managing Finances to Help Manage Stress This class will teach you how to organize, budget, and track your finances using different methods so you can stay ahead of the curve and reduce mental stress in the process. Frankie K.
Thursday November 21st 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Thursday November 21st 6-7 pm Intervals and Cardiovascular Fitness Learn about the various types of cardiovascular exercise and why we need it in our lives. Melanie P.


Day Date Time Topic Description Instructor
Monday December 2nd 5-6 pm Self-Care Recharge – December Spend an hour recharging your batteries with guided practices for self-care including gentle stretches, relaxation meditation, and journaling. Carissa F.
Tuesday December 3rd 9-10 am Managing Food Triggers This class will discuss the differences between psychological and physiological hunger.  In addition, you have the chance to examine food triggers and brainstorm nourishing coping strategies. Jesus J.
Tuesday December 3rd 12-1 pm Understanding the Compulsive Eating Brain Learn how the brain operates and what mechanisms drive compulsive overeating. Understanding our brain better can help us learn how to support long-term change. Shannon N.
Tuesday December 3rd 6-7 pm Circle of Life This workshop takes a deep dive into rating different areas in life to help set specific goals. Carmel A.
Thursday December 5th 4-5 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Ali C.
Monday December 9th 5:30-6:30 pm Understanding Your Metabolism Explore the workings of your body’s energy regulation system, exploring factors such as basal metabolic rate, thermogenesis, and the impact of diet and exercise. Nicholas S.
Tuesday December 10th 12:30-1:30 pm Booster Support Group Sharing, support and tips for members post FMR program. Lizzy K.
Monday December 16th 5-6 pm Stress Coping Toolbox Come learn tools and tricks that can help to manage the stress of life in healthy ways and see what you might like to add to your personal toolbox. Carissa F.
Wednesday December 18th 9-10 am Motivation and Diet Cycle Is there a way to break the “on a diet/off a diet” cycle? Janet K.
Wednesday December 18th 6-7 pm The Science of Obesity Is obesity as simple as a choice or is more at play? We will discuss the research on the many variables that contribute to obesity, both those that involve direct choices and those that lay under the radar yet strongly impact obesity. By the end, participants will have a more scientific understanding on the forces of play on obesity and be able to take better action. Brandon H.
Thursday December 19th 9-10 am Yin Yoga, Flexibility & Mobility Practice different styles of movement that can help open the body, increase our range of motion and promote relaxation. Frankie K.
Thursday December 19th 6-7 pm Strength Building Exercise: Benefits and Practice Learn about the benefits of resistance exercise (strength training) and get ready to move with a light workout routine! Melanie P.