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Our weight management options

Meal Replacement Program

Lose weight with the help of nutritionally balanced meal replacements, designed to maintain a constant calorie level and curb appetite. Program includes weekly medical supervision and classes on topics that support long-term success and maintenance.  We offer lifelong support through nutrition, fitness, and emotional support programs. Average rates of weight loss vary between 2 and 5 pounds a week.

Program Benefits

  • 75% of people with type 2 diabetes achieve normal fasting blood glucose off medications
  • HbA1c drops an average of 2 points
  • Insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance increases
  • Liver enzymes normalize
  • Fat in the liver and pancreas decrease
  • Blood Pressure decreases (1/3 are able to discontinue medications, 1/3 are able to greatly reduce medication)
  • Total Blood Cholesterol drops an average of 81 points and triglycerides drop 55.6%
  • 8 weeks and beyond…average weight loss is 15% from starting weight and 5 years after weight loss, 2/3 or more people maintain half or more of the weight they lost off.

Three Options To Fit Your Lifestyle

Healthy Balance

Lose weight while attending weekly sessions that include education on creating healthier habits through nutrition, fitness, stress management and mindfulness. Program helps you get started on a diet of whole, unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods, that aid in weight loss and disease prevention. Each session includes light exercise. Classes meet weekly for 1-hour for 16 sessions, available online or in-person.

No fee for KP members, non-members can participate for $160.


Call 858-616-5600 to get started.

Slim Down

Slim Down includes weekly online coaching appointments combined with a meal plan that includes 2 meal replacements per day. Your 30-minute appointment can focus on your individual needs for fitness, nutrition, self-care and goal setting.

$375 : Includes 8 boxes of meal replacements and 4 individual coaching sessions.


Call 858-616-5514 to get started.