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on Sep 7, 2018 in Fitness, General Wellness, Nutrition

EAT THE WHOLE EGG IF YOU WANT BETTER RECOVERY FROM WORKOUTS AND MUSCLE REPAIR! A study from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign found that people who ate whole eggs after a workout recovered better than those who skipped the yolks and only ate egg whites. There was a dramatic difference between the two groups in how their muscles recovered from workouts. Those who ate the whole eggs had a 40% greater muscle building response compared to those who ate the same amount of egg-white protein but didn’t eat the yolk. Egg yolks contain proteins and other key nutrients that are not present in egg whites. The mechanism of what and how egg yolks boost our body’s ability to regenerate and repair muscle is not yet known. If you do decide to eat eggs, keep them to a minimum and make sure your plate is 3/4 full of plant-based foods. Purchase organic and free range when...

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Yoga for Expecting and New Moms

on Sep 3, 2018 in Fitness, General Wellness

Motherhood Stretches You in So Many Ways. Why Not Stretch a Little More? Relax and rejuvenate while strengthening and toning your muscles. Pre & Postnatal yoga classes gently guide you through breathing and yoga poses that improve strength and flexibility. Enjoy the company of other Mom’s while you experience the benefits of yoga: Reduce stress and anxiety Improve sleep and deal with the lack of sleep better! Pain relief in your back or from carpal tunnel Reduce water retention and swelling Improve strength needed for birthing and recovery after birth Help with maintain a healthy weight. THURSDAYS 4:45 to 5:45 PM Eight classes: $100 Gift certificates...

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Still Going Strong (and Stronger) at 89 Years Young

Still Going Strong (and Stronger) at 89 Years Young

on Jul 17, 2017 in Fitness, General Wellness

Living with heart disease has been a reality for most of Gene Calman’s life.  Diagnosed with heart disease at only 32 years old, Gene has had 3 defibrillators, and two bypass surgeries over the last 56 years. Despite these many physical challenges, Gene maintains a lively personality and positive way of thinking.  It was just those personality traits that, last year, helped motivate Gene to take on a new challenge. He read a newspaper article about a fellow World War Two veteran who was training to walk a half-marathon, he was inspired. Gene wanted an active program that would make him work to improve his physical fitness. His past health problems and his age of 89 years made him consider carefully what he wanted to do. He asked his physician about what Kaiser Permanente offered and he discovered the Positive Choice Integrative Wellness Center. He decided to do personal training and liked that the Personal Trainers at Positive Choice were so highly qualified. Trainers at the Positive Choice Wellness Center are required to have a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology (the science of human movement and physical adaption), many of the trainers have undergraduate degrees in Kinesiology (the study of human movement) and training in nutrition as well. Gene started training weekly with Exercise Physiologist and Lifestyle Educator Melanie Perkins. When Gene first started training his walking was more of a shuffle and getting in and out of chairs was difficult. He became easily winded and stairs were difficult. Melanie worked to gently increase Gene’s overall body strength. Melanie focused on strengthening his core abdominal (redundant) muscles and the muscles in his legs to give him better balance. After only one year, Gene achieved dramatic results. Gene lost twenty-five pounds, increased his energy and strength; all of which he feels has come as a result of his weekly workout sessions with Melanie. He no longer finds himself out-of-breathe and it easier to move around in general.  “Most people think personal training is only for people who are young or want to lose weight,” says Melanie Perkins. “But everyone, no matter age or fitness level, benefits from strength training.  In fact, older individuals can benefit more from strength training as...

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Putting Some Muscle Into It

Putting Some Muscle Into It

on Mar 12, 2017 in Fitness, Inspiration

A strong body is a healthy body. The benefits of building muscle mass or strength are many; decreased aging, better posture, better balance and endurance, increased energy, mood elevation, burn more calories, better weight control, increased immunity, greater self-esteem. How to get stronger: If you want to build muscles…you have to work your muscles until they’re tired. It is the principle of overload.  When you work your muscles until they tire, your body sends signals for your muscle tissue to repair and build.  Because your body is highly adaptable, if you train using the same amount of resistance over and over, you will maintain your strength, but not build muscle mass or strength. Instead you’ll need to increase the amount of resistance or weight you’re using every 2 to 4 weeks to keep pushing your body to build...

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Healthy Balance Program now in Oceanside …Spanish too!

Healthy Balance Program now in Oceanside …Spanish too!

on Nov 28, 2016 in Fitness, Weight Loss

Full Food Healthy Balance Weight management Program Now in Oceanside New program begins January 5th at 7:00 pm and the Spanish program January 5th at at 5:00 pm This reasonably priced program helps you lose weight on a high fiber, nutrient dense food plan designed to curb hunger and cravings. Typical weight loss is one to two pounds a week. Each session includes exercise, mindfulness training and meditation as well as fitness/nutrition education.  It is a 14-session program that meets weekly . New programs begin in January at the Kaiser Permanente in Oceanside.  Spanish programs are available as well. Additional locations are available see our website for dates, times, locations. 14-session program: $140 plus one-time $50 program material fee. Call to enroll,...

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Strength Doesn’t Come from Doing the Things You Know You Can, It Comes from Overcoming the Things You Thought You Couldn’t

Strength Doesn’t Come from Doing the Things You Know You Can, It Comes from Overcoming the Things You Thought You Couldn’t

on Aug 28, 2016 in Fitness, General Wellness

Becoming a RUNNER requires patience — and persistence. Many newbies expect to be able to go five miles right from the start, but it takes time to build endurance. Here are three ways to do it… Run more often. You can’t expect to move like a gazelle if you only lace up twice a week. Try doing 20 to 30 minute runs three to four times a week. You’ll be surprised at how quickly it starts to feel easier. Increase slowly. Once your breath evens out and your muscles become less fatigued, add mileage. Don’t get ahead of yourself, though. Never raise weekly mileage by more than 10 percent to avoid injury and keep from feeling overwhelmed by doing too much too soon. Intervals. Running faster may be harder, but it’ll increase muscle strength and aerobic capacity, which are keys to building endurance. Start off by incorporating a few 10- to 20-second speed intervals every few minutes; gradually add more cycles of speed and recovery. Due to the high-intensity nature of interval training, these workouts should be done no more than once or twice a week. Stick with it. Soon, you’ll go farther than you ever...

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